There is a global eco-cooperative initiative happening right now and we’re 9 years into supporting it. Our contributions are open source plans for sustainable and replicable models covering food, energy, housing, education, for-profit and non-profit economic design, social… Read More
Solving global hunger is possible and necessary. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) estimates that about 815 million people (10.7% of the global population) were suffering from chronic undernourishment in 20161. Two BILLION of us are… Read More
If a sustainable world is what we want, the time has come for living models capable of creating global stewards to achieve it. One Community is designing these as teacher/demonstration hubs that include and open-source share replication plans for all aspects. These… Read More
More good things in life seems like a worthwhile goal. Sustainability can support this by reducing our living expenses. Community can support this by better meeting our emotional needs. One Community is designing open source and free-shared teacher/demonstration hubs to demonstrate and… Read More
Sustainability role modeling is one of the goals of One Community’s open source and free-sharing process that includes sustainable approaches to food, energy, and housing, education, for-profit and non-profit economic design, social architecture, fulfilled living, and global stewardship practices. We are doing this to create a global collaboration… Read More
Imagine a world of people consciously and conscientiously stewarding their environments for the The Highest Good of all people and life on it. One Community is supporting sustainable citizenship like this through open source and free-shared DIY teacher/demonstration hubs that develop, build and share what… Read More
What if we could design an open source and free-shared model for creating our planet our way, the way we want it and know is possible? Sustainable, regenerative, cooperative, collaborative, and for the The Highest Good of all people and life… Read More
A permaculture world is a sustainable world. One Community is helping create this by using permaculture principles as a foundation for open source and sustainable tools, tutorials, and resources covering DIY food, energy, and housing, education, for-profit and non-profit economic design, social architecture, fulfilled living, global stewardship practices,… Read More
Isn’t it time for a global good news engine? We have the ability to create a full-time living environment for people dedicated to The Highest Good of all people and life on this planet. People interested in living… Read More
Demonstrating sustainable sustainability will be easier in sustainable communities. This is because the current “everyone for themselves” approach just isn’t designed with sustainability in mind. Cooperation and collaboration work better, more efficiently, and can more easily problem solve… Read More
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