
Welcome to the team!! We will need your bio before we can add you to the Pioneer Team Page and announced officially on the fan page. This page includes the details for writing it appropriately:


There are four necessary components that Jae needs you to send to him for your Bio Page that will be linked to from the Team Page of the website:

1.) 1-4 key titles representing the skills that you add to the Pioneer Team. Keep in mind who will be reading your bio and what you bring to One Community and the team as you choose these titles. “Great Dad,” “Inspirational Speaker,” and “Agent of Change” are all beautiful titles but not the level of specificity or relevance to what we are creating that we are hoping for. Look at the Team Page for examples of what we’d like to see.

2.) 1-2 paragraphs that provide a broad summary (written in 3rd person) of your education, trade skill, etc. followed by a resume-style section covering your experience. 

3.) Your profile picture.  If you haven’t already, include sending us a profile picture that was taken outdoors, without sunglasses, and just of you (please no group pictures, couple’s pictures, pictures with pets, etc.).

4.) Your journey to One Community. Tell us about you and your journey! Write as much or as little (in first person for this part) as you want about your journey and other details. Take a look at Bear’s Page to see an example of the format we use:

● Picture, titles, and formal bio at the top in 3rd person
● Resume-style section outlining your work history, also in 3rd person
● Your personal story/journey in 1st person under that

You are also welcome to send additional pictures or anything else you’d like included on your own personal page, just remember that people viewing that page may include potential funders of our project.

When you’ve got all of the above together, e-mail it to Jae ([email protected]). We edit your bio and post it to the site after a minimum of 2 months on the team.

Welcome to One Community!