One Community’s purpose is to help people create a better world. We are doing this by creating a solution model that creates solution-creating models for The Highest Good of All.
The page covers One Community’s:
Our mission at One Community is to help people create a better world by demonstrating a more sustainable and enriching way of living and open source everything required for replication.
Our vision is to usher in a new age of cooperation, collaboration, and sustainability. We do this by demonstrating what’s possible, open sourcing and free-sharing the blueprints, and making modular or total duplication easy enough, affordable enough, and attractive enough so that positive and sustainable world-change will spread on its own.
One Community’s value model consists of:
One Community’s overarching philosophy is The Highest Good of All philosophy. We believe the most sustainable civilization is one that chooses to operate and live for the highest good of all of its people. Everything we do and are working to create is approached from this perspective because we believe that even a very small percentage of the population choosing to work together for The Highest Good of All has the ability to positively transform the world for everyone. From our perspective, Highest Good of All thinking can be divided into 3 simple values almost everyone learns as children: Care, Share, and Play
At its most basic and foundational level, we think living for The Highest Good of All is about caring for each other and wanting to do everything we can to support the health and happiness of all people and life on our planet. Looking at human and planetary needs, we are specifically choosing to focus on four key foundations of our global transformation in relation to caring. Read more about One Community’s specific approach to each of these four keys here:
Sharing is another value that almost everyone is specifically taught as a child that we feel is truly for The Highest Good of All. Like caring, how a society and culture shares with one another is representative of its desire to work together and help one another. The four categories we consider important and representative of a society and culture that values sharing are:
Play for us means living life as a celebration and supporting and helping others to live life this way too. While “play” can mean different things for different people, we have chosen four components of play that we feel are specifically relevant to individual happiness, social well-being, and global progress for The Highest Good of All:
For more in-depth details about our organization, please visit the following related pages:
* To ensure we are always aligned with our purpose, values, and mission, One Community uses the values as defined by our organization as the compass for all our decision-making. We then factor in the diversity of individual perspectives and experiences. We highly recommend this approach because it saves us hundreds, if not thousands, of hours of collaborative decision-making time. If you are considering our model as a template for your own creation, we highly recommend you apply this approach too and use, adapt, or completely change the values we’ve presented so you too can create a clear guidance system that aligns with your own organizational/group/individual needs.
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