We’re sorry our online form didn’t work for you. To submit the same form manually, please CLICK HERE to open an email to [email protected], copy the questions below into the open email, and add your replies in a different color or bold.
Your Email:
Company & Position:
Location and Timezone:
Best Phone # to Reach You:
Skype Name or GoogleHangout Address:
Primary Website or Social Media Page:
Secondary Website or Social Media Page:
1.) How did you hear about One Community?
2.) Are you applying as an individual or organization?
3.) Why are you wanting to volunteer/work/collaborate with us?
4.) Looking at our Action List/Work Breakdown Structure, what specific components of our project are you most interested in contributing to? Please include the WBS #(s) AND name(s).
5.) What skills/experience do you possess that would be applicable to your answer to #4 above?
6.) How many volunteer hours per week are you willing to commit to?
7.) For how long do you wish to volunteer with us?
8.) Do you understand and agree that everything you contribute to One Community will be used as part of our open source goals?
9.) If there were one question we should ask you as an expert in your field, what question would that be?
10.) Is there anything else we should know or that you’d like to share?
11.) What is your availability (remember to include your timezone) over the next week for a video interview?
12.) If you have one, please attach your Resumé, CV, Brochure, etc. in PDF or Word Document format.
Thank you for completing our form. Please email it to us at [email protected]. Once we receive your information, you will get an e-mail response from us within 72 hours. If you don’t, please send your information again and/or follow up using our Contact Us page.
Connect with One Community