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Software Team 581 – Cooperatively Improving the Standard of Living

HIGHEST GOOD NETWORK #581 – WORK FOR 4-28  TO 5-4 – ready

Hi Jessica, I have moved your work over for blog 581.

Reminder to first make a pdf of this page and then note any changes on the pdf as you the make the edits, thanks! -Sara)


The Blue Steel Team’s summary, presenting their work on the Highest Good Network software was managed by Jingyi Jia (Software Engineer), and includes Nathan Hoffman (Software Engineer, Team Manager), Parth Rasu Jangid (Software Developer), Tzu Ning “Leo” Chueh (Software Engineer), and Xiao Wang (Software Engineer). This week, Nathan assisted with Postman troubleshooting on Slack, searched for Postman documentation, responded to Slack messages, and addressed various issues, including creating a PR to update createInitialPermissions.js with desired permissions for default roles. They also completed PRs for separating editTimeEntry into smaller permissions. Jingyi Jia submitted a pull request for task 59 on the Highest Good Network App and dedicated time to working on the “toggleTangibleTimeSelf” permission management. She then started working on the “readyForReview” permission, developing new logic due to its dependence on user roles. Xiao submitted two time entries related to a white screen issue caused by deleted tasks and data. He refactored the project controller for getUserProjects on the backend and initiated changes to the Projects component on the frontend to clarify its logic. He continued refactoring Project-related components for better functionality. Parth completed four PR reviews and focused on refining the unit test for the forgotPwdController.js of the HGNRest repository. He engaged in discussions with Abi from the unit-testing team and tested an additional function, preparing to seek review before submitting a PR. Tzu Ning worked on addressing several linting issues in the project’s codebase, resolved path errors for missing image assets, reordered imports to align with project conventions, and used Prettier and eslint –fix to ensure code consistency. See the Highest Good Society and Highest Good Network pages for more on how this contributes to cooperatively improving the standard of living. See below to view their work.

Blue Steel Team, Highest Good Network software, Cooperatively Improving the Standard of Living, One Community Weekly Progress Update #581, pull request, PR review, PR review team, software team, software development, Highest Good society, One Community, MERN Stack, software engineering, MongoDB, React.js, Node.js, Express.js, open source software

Not included this week: Alex Brandt (Full Stack Developer), Bhuvan Dama (Full stack Developer), Imran Issa (Software Developer), Pooja Suram (Software Developer), Sanket Kaware (Full-Stack Developer)Shiqing Pan (Full-Stack Software Developer)

The Blue Steel Team’s summary, presenting their work on the Highest Good Network software was managed by Nathan Hoffman (Software Engineer, Team Manager), and includes Imran Issa (Software Developer)Jingyi Jia (Software Engineer)Parth Rasu Jangid (Software Developer)Sanket Kaware (Full-Stack Developer)Shiqing Pan (Full-Stack Software Developer)Tzu Ning “Leo” Chueh (Software Engineer), and Xiao Wang (Software Engineer). The Highest Good Network software is how we’ll be managing and objectively measuring our process for game-changing eco-solutions through our social architecture, construction, production, and maintenance processes. This week, Nathan responded to Slack messages regarding team structure, PR reviews, and management, while also working on automating Dropbox image collection and focusing on separating the ‘editTimeEntry’ permission into different permissions for each field. Imran completed both frontend and backend components for one task from the Permission Management Fixes Spreadsheet and submitted it for review, while also tackling the backend portion of another task and creating a corresponding PR. Jingyi made enhancements to the permission management system within the project, introducing a logical tie in the frontend to automatically include crucial permissions when enabling the ‘Assign Project to Users’ permission, although encountering a new bug unrelated to the current task. Sanket focused on resolving the issue related to the “follow-up feature not working for 0Eduardo Mentor0 user” and implemented a database check, recommending retaining the PR description for future reference and submitting the task for review. Shiqing did her part helping with this game-changing eco-solutions component as she addressed an issue where deleted users remained visible on teams, verified the bug resolution, and engaged in pull request reviews related to unit testing. Xiao Wang resolved issue PR 2194 and assisted with other bug fixes, spending additional time addressing a problem causing a white screen due to deleted tasks and other data. Tzu Ning focused on defining proper types for dropdown items in the application and implemented controlled components with local state hooks for each dropdown, along with enabling the auto-sort feature for improved functionality and user interface.Parth focused on writing unit tests for forgotPwdcontroller.js, reviewing official documentation, testing guides, Google Docs, and videos for reference. See the Highest Good Society and Highest Good Network pages for more on how this contributes to game-changing eco-solutions. See below view images of their work.Blue Steel Team, Highest Good Network Software, Game-changing Eco-solutions, One Community Weekly Progress Update #580, pull request, PR review, PR review team, software team, software development, Highest Good Network, Highest Good society, One Community, MERN Stack, software engineering, MongoDB, React.js, Node.js, Express.js, open source software

This Blue Steel Team’s summary, presenting their work on the Highest Good Network software, was managed by Nathan Hoffman (Software Engineer, Team Manager), and includes Bhuvan Dama (Full stack Developer)Jingyi Jia (Software Engineer)Sanket Kaware (Full-Stack Developer)Shiqing Pan (Full-Stack Software Developer)Tzu Ning “Leo” Chueh (Software Engineer)Xiao Wang (Software Engineer), and Yaohong Xiang (Software Engineer). The Highest Good Network software is how we’ll be managing and objectively measuring our progress as we’re establishing abundant natural systems throughout our social architecture, construction, production, and maintenance processes. This week, Nathan reviewed Imran’s delete task PR and resolved a miscommunication with Weiyao on Slack, responded to Jae on Slack, and reviewed PR 2052 for swapping permissions from strings to constants. Additionally, they explored automating the weekly gathering of images on Dropbox, figured out the Dropbox API for obtaining the most recent subfolder, and began developing a loop for collecting images from team members, achieving partial automation of Dropbox photo collection, pending implementation of mutex, OAuth, and testing.

Yaohong did his part on this software for measuring our process for establishing abundant natural systems as he continued addressing issues in pull requests #PR2092 and #PR2130, focusing on resolving console logging errors, input field errors related to team and project assignments, and a bug causing simultaneous error and success messages display when the media folder was incorrect. Bhuvan calibrated edge cases for ReportPage.jsx and unit testing TableFilter.jsx throughout the week. Jingyi made enhancements to the permission management system within the project, ensuring that necessary permissions such as ‘getProjectMembers,’ ‘sell Users,’ ‘editUserProfile,’ ‘modifyImportantUserInfo,’ and ‘edit task’ are activated simultaneously, streamlining the user experience. Sanket focused on creating trophy icons for work anniversaries and addressed an issue regarding the follow-up feature not functioning for a specific user. Shiqing did her part on this software for measuring our process for establishing abundant natural systems as she completed the final review and resolved conflicts for Pull Request 1464, enhancing the Reports view functionality, and initiated a new PR for further reviews.

Xiao continued his work on time entry refactor PRs and assisted with Christy’s PRs, identifying and addressing sessionStorage-related issues. Tzu Ning resolved a bug related to dynamic updating of team codes in the WeeklySummariesReport component, enhancing its reliability and user experience. See the Highest Good Society and Highest Good Network pages for more on how this relates to establishing abundant natural systems. See below to view their work.



Not included this week: Alex Brandt (Full Stack Developer), Bhuvan Dama (Full stack Developer), Pooja Suram (Software Developer)


FOOD 541 – Work for 7/23 to 7/29 – ready

This week the core team focused on the Highest Good Food Tools and Equipment document, updating information on the Chipper and other tractor attachments. They also continued writing detailed descriptions for individual tools and equipment within the document. They concluded the week with a phone call to Haley, suggesting tasks to help her complete her work. See below for pictures related to their work. <Bear> 

Highest Good Food Tools and Equipment, One Community Weekly Progress Update #541, Core team, Highest Good Food Tools and Equipment, Highest Good Food, Chipper, tractor attachments, food storage, food procurement, equipment, field equipment, pole saw


EDUCATION 540 – Work for 7/16 to 7/22  – ready

This week, Aaron Wang (Fundraising Assistant) pursued possible funding sources for One Community by continuing his comprehensive research on establishing connections with Robert Downey Jr., uncovering emails and LinkedIn profiles of individuals potentially connected to Robert Downey Jr. and his philanthropic endeavors. This work is directed towards enhancing interactions with funders by cultivating relationships with key individuals linked to these donations. See below to view an image of his work.

Establishing Connections with Funders, One Community Weekly Progress Update #540, Comprehensive research, connections, philanthropy, LinkedIn profiles, philanthropic endeavors, funders, cultivating relationships, donations, key individuals, enhancing interactions

This week, Gabriele Canova (Frontend Developer) contributed to the Highest Good Network software by successfully completed their first pull request, making necessary modifications to align it with expectations. Although creating the proper pull request on GitHub (#2065) was challenging and required several attempts, the desired changes were completed. Gabriele then shifted focus to conducting pull request reviews for the rest of the week. The pull request review conducted this week is labeled as #2016. See  below to view their work.

Highest Good Network Software, pull request, One Community Weekly Progress Update #540, PR review, PR review team, software development, Highest Good society, open source software, software engineering, software team, MERN Stack, MongoDB, Express.js

This week, KaiKane Lacno (Software Developer and Team Manager) reviewed and tested two pull reviews for the Highest Good Network: PR 2065, focusing on adding missing styles to input fields for user management, which has been confirmed to work and look good; and PR 2047, which involved adjusting the mobile responsiveness of the user badge management page, resulting in improvements to its appearance. See below to view an image of his work.

Highest Good Network Software, Pull Review, One Community Weekly Progress Update #540, pull request, PR review, PR review team, software development, Highest Good society, One Community, software engineering, software team, open source software, MongoDB, MERN Stack

This week, Sameer Deshpande (Software Engineer) began his work with on the Highest Good Network by reading the documents shared and making an initial setup in the local environment. He also reviewed all previous PR reviews and analyzed the code base. Additionally, Sameer checked and reviewed high-priority reviews and commented on his findings. He uploaded required photos with their comments on the reviews. He also spent time analyzing the workflow and document reading, as this was his first week. The PR’s he worked on are #2016, #1937, #1987, #1905, #731, #2066, #2065, #2023, #781. See below to view an image of his work.

Highest Good Network software, PR Reviews, One Community Weekly Progress Update #540, PR review team, software team, software development, Highest Good society, One Community, software engineering, open source software, MERN Stack, MongoDB, React.js

Demonstration Team Name: Green Leaf Team

Team Green Team’s summary this week was managed by Jessica Fairbanks (Administrative Assistant) and includes Aaron Wang (Fundraising Assistant), Gabriele Canova (Frontend Developer), KaiKane Lacno (Software Developer and Team Manager), and Sameer Deshpande (Software Engineer) . This week, Aaron diligently pursued his research efforts aimed at establishing connections with Robert Downey Jr., reviewing emails and LinkedIn profiles associated with individuals potentially linked to Downey’s philanthropic ventures. The objective remains to boost interactions with funders by fostering relationships with key figures tied to these charitable contributions. Gabriele successfully completed their first pull request, navigating through the challenges of creating the appropriate pull request on GitHub (#2065) and effecting necessary modifications to meet expectations. Following this, Gabriele dedicated the remainder of the week to conducting pull request reviews, with particular attention to #2016. KaiKane contributed by reviewing and testing two PRs: PR 2065, focusing on refining input field styles for user management, and PR 2047, aimed at enhancing mobile responsiveness for the user badge management page. Both PRs resulted in significant improvements to functionality and appearance. Concurrently, Sameer immersed himself in document analysis and initial setup within the local environment, evaluating previous PR reviews and the code base while providing valuable insights through comments and photo uploads on high-priority reviews. As Sameer acclimated to the workflow, he engaged with PRs #2016, #1937, #1987, #1905, #731, #2066, #2065, #2023, and #781 throughout the week. See below to view their work. 

Highest Good Society and Network, Green Team, One Community Weekly Progress Update #540, PR review, pull request, PR review team, software development, fundraising, software team, software engineering, philanthropy, open source software, One Community

This week, the Blue Steel Team’s summary, covering their work on the Highest Good Network software, was managed by Nathan Hoffman and includes Haohui Lin (Software Engineer)Kurtis Ivey (Full Stack Developer)Lucile Tronczyk (Full Stack Software Developer)Nathan Hoffman (Software Engineer and Team Manager)Oleksandr Riazantsev (Project Management Advisor), and Yubo Sun (Full Stack Software Developer). The team members were actively engaged in various aspects of the project. Nathan worked diligently on resolving issues and implementing improvements, creating PRs 493 and 1201 to address an account reverting bug and dismissing an old review on PR 358. They also tackled inconsistencies in the main bug fix and performed tasks like removing extra roles in the database, debugging the Permissions Management Page reset, and updating permissions. Kurtis focused on backend fixes and PR reviews, although some of his fixes became obsolete due to frontend adjustments. Haohui conducted thorough PR reviews, emphasizing Frontend PR#1045 and Backend PR#482. Oleksandr established a backend hierarchy with specific access permissions and assisted in testing permissions changes for owners. Xiao Wang addressed critical issues with the weekly summaries page not loading correctly for volunteer users and began investigating the new timer feature. Lucile worked on adding explanatory “i” icons to project elements and improving documentation. Yubo diligently maintained PR #1182 and #1147, performed end-of-week reviews, and planned to evaluate PR #1167 while also considering the implementation of a warning popup for modifying admin links. Each team member contributed significantly to the project’s progress during the week. See the image below to view this work.

One Community