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One Community Welcome Teams

One Community uses Welcome Teams to help new members when they join One Community. This page is the outline of the purpose and function of Welcome Teams and Welcome Team Facilitators:





The purpose of Welcome Teams is to maintain a smaller community environment where people can share what is going on in their lives and, as we grow beyond 20 people, the diversity of happenings of the different Project Teams. With a Core Team of less than 20 people, the goal of the Welcome Teams is a monthly social call. Once the team grows beyond 20 people, the Welcome Team focus expands like this:



The Welcome Team Facilitator role is selected based on their understanding of the One Community project as a whole and their ongoing ability to facilitate the smooth functioning of their Welcome Team.

MAIN DUTIES: Facilitate monthly Welcome Team Call and answer questions
  • Take a leadership role for answering any Welcome Team Member questions
  • Host a monthly Welcome Team Call to:
    • Do a personal check-in: how are you doing?
    • Check in on how people feel about the work they are doing with OC: what have you been up to?
    • Discuss any and all OC issues in a collaborative, supportive environment: how is your relationship with OC?
    • Determine if any issues discussed require seeking external support (to answer/seek clarity on questions/issue, etc.)


  • Share with each other what is going on in each other’s lives outside OC
  • Maintain a space where larger One Community issues can be brought up for discussion
  • Maintain a social space for personal and/or One Community related support


SELF-EVALUATION: Are Welcome Teams on track? 

  • Are individuals participating in calls?
  • Are Welcome Team Facilitators coordinating effectively?
    • Are teams meeting as needed?
    • Do team members feel their questions are being responded to?
  • Additional support for Welcome Teams and Facilitators: Are we being effective?
    • If necessary adjustments/changes as appropriate:
      • In team facilitator
      • In team members