Building a global collaborative of Communities working together for The Highest Good of each other and all life on this planet has the potential to transform our world for everyone. “True Community” as defined on this page is a core value for One Community. It is also a foundation of Highest Good society and the self-replicating teacher/demonstration model we are open source sharing.
This page discusses True Community with the following sections:
The definition of Community One Community subscribes to is living for The Highest Good of All, a commitment to helping each other demonstrate unconditional love for one another, and supporting the constant growth and improvement of ourselves, each other, and our global environment. We call this “True Community” and capitalize “Community” throughout our site because this version of Community is a combination of all our values that combine to function as a celebration of human diversity and the profound healing, communication, and creation that comes from living in such an environment dedicated to this.
True, Genuine Community is the art and practice of being our most loving, open, and authentic selves while we honor others doing the same. This creates an environment that specifically caters to fulfillment of the six primary human needs and is foundational to the emotional aspect of sustainability for the complete human experience. Dr. M. Scott Peck did extensive research on the differences between traditional community and this idea of “True Community” in his book titled, “The Different Drum: Community Making and Peace.” This book is required reading for all One Community Pioneers and we support the foundational tenants of True Community outlined within it. Here they are in Peck’s own words:
In decision making at One Community, the core value of “Community” is applied by asking ourselves the following three key questions:
* To ensure we are always aligned with our purpose, values, and mission, One Community uses the values as defined by our organization as the compass for all our decision making; we then factor in the diversity of individual perspectives and experiences. We highly recommend this approach because it saves us hundreds, if not thousands, of hours of collaborative decision making time. If you are considering our model as a template for your own creation, we especially recommend you apply this approach too and use, adapt, or completely change the values we’ve presented so you too can create a clear guidance system that aligns with your own organizational/group/individual needs.
One Community feels True Community satisfies people’s foundational human needs better than anything else. We look at the world today and we see people who have achieved Community as truly happy people. We also see people who do not have Community seeking it wherever they can find it. Because of this, we see creating a path for people to experience, duplicate, and then evolve their own version of actually living in True Community as a foundation to our approach to Highest Good society, our Highest Good of All philosophy, and our world-change methodology. Open source and duplicable True Community that becomes self-replicating can, in our opinion, literally create a happier, more loving, and more peaceful planet for everyone.
Here is a list of significant intentional communities and intentional community resources:
One Community has also created a Community Lesson Plan as part of the open source Highest Good Education component. This lesson plan is purposed to teach all subjects, to any learning level, in any environment using the central theme of “Community.” Here is the mind map for the lesson plan:
A True Community environment that meets the deepest needs of ourselves and each other while positively impacting the world will predictably spread. One Community’s values (and Peck’s research) outline the benefits of an environment like this and the mentality capable of creating it. One Community is bringing together a think-tank of those who share these values and desire to spread True Community as a component of evolving sustainability, Highest Good of All living, and global transformation.
Q: Where can I learn more about your other values and how you use each of them in your organization?
Click the icons below to be taken to a complete page for each value:
Q: Where can I get more information about your philosophies for world change?
Please take a look at each of these additional pages: (click icons)
Q: How are these ideals of True Community, thinking and creating for The Highest Good of All, unconditional love, and freedom for people to be themselves supported and practiced?
Primarily through very careful and detailed screening for people that already are accepting of other people’s individual choices, clearly identifying what it is that we are creating so like-minded people will join, and monthly 2-directional review and feedback sessions so we continue to grow together as a group.
Q: Where can I learn more about True Community and human needs?
Please see these pages:
"In order to change an existing paradigm you do not struggle to try and change the problematic model.
You create a new model and make the old one obsolete. That, in essence, is the higher service to which we are all being called."
~ Buckminster Fuller ~
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