Here is an outline of what you can expect after submitting your completed Invitation Form and One Community Agreement of Understanding:
You will receive an email within 1-3 days of us receiving your application, if you don’t please email us again. Once received, your application goes through two internal phases of review. This review process takes anywhere from 2-7 days.
Online video interview with Jae and Sara via Skype or Google-Hangout (webcam required). You will hear back from us within 48 hours of completing this interview as to whether or not we’ll all move on to the next stage of the interview process. If so, as preparation for the second interview, you will be given a 4-6 hour website reading assignment covering all the deeper foundations of our project. This is to help you understand the specifics of One Community and to identify any additional/new questions you may have.
Second Skype interview. This interview is with Jae and purposed to get to know you more and answer any questions you generated from the reading in step 2. You will again hear within 48 hours regarding the next step, which may include an orientation, additional desired interviews, or a face-to-face meeting (if convenient/possible).
If no other interviews are needed, WELCOME TO THE TEAM!
New members join as Volunteers working on the project(s) discussed as part of your interviews. This work is coordinated in the same virtual environment all our other volunteers work in. During this time you’ll learn and complete the on-boarding process we use for volunteers, receive any specific skills training needed, experience what a 10-hour One Community volunteer week feels like, and become familiar with how we use our online collaborative tools, complete work on projects, log and track our time, etc.
After 2 months of completing a minimum of 10 weekly volunteer hours, all volunteers are added to the One Community website as official members of the team. You will go through the same process and then, because you are a Pioneer or Satellite Member applicant, you will also be included and introduced on the Core Team weekly conference calls, added to our internal Google Group and communication system, and be connected to your Welcome Team Facilitator who will be available to answer questions and help you with understanding the ‘behind the scenes workings’ of everything that is happening with One Community. At this point you will have the same access, oversight of the complete volunteer team, responsibilities, and inclusion in One Community discussions and the decision-making process as all other Core Team members. Your weekly contribution expectations will also be reduced to 5 tangible-time hours, instead of the minimum 10 hours that regular volunteers are required to do.
The final step to becoming a Pioneer member is one of cooperative evaluation. You will be evaluating if we’re a good fit for you and your future and we’ll be evaluating if you are a good fit for the Pioneer Team. Formal invitations to become an official member of the Pioneers are offered by the existing Pioneer team, on an individual basis, and based on demonstrated responsibility, collaboration ability, and team synergy. Once invited to the Pioneer Team, you are added to the Core Team section of the Team Page (along with an expanded Pioneer team member bio) and you become part of the decision-making process for inviting future Pioneer Team members. This process averages 6-12 months but, based on the individual, could be shorter or longer.
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