How Can You Change the World – One Community Weekly Progress Update #13

How can you change the world? We are creating open source and free-shared answers so everyone asking that question has a diversity of options from 1-time internet participation to building complete sustainable and self-sufficient teacher/demonstration villages. This is our weekly progress… Read More

Architects of the Future

Let’s be our own architects of the future and create a global cooperative for The Highest Good of All. We think that most of us sustainability-minded people know and agree that the technology and resources exist on this… Read More

Open Source Green Building and Design: Earthbag Village and Tropical Atrium 3D Progress

GREEN BUILDING AND DESIGN 3D PROGRESS Here’s a quick snapshot of the green building and design process moving into 3D rendering! One Community is a 100% unpaid volunteer organization and this amazing open source project-launch blueprinting work is being… Read More