On this page we discuss the details of the roles and training for the collaborative team for each aspect of the Education for Life program. We discuss them with the following sections:
There are several different roles that make up the learning team within the Education for Life program. These roles include the Learner / Student / Intern, Teacher(s) / Educator(s) / Facilitator(s), Parent(s) / Guardian(s), and Other Supporters (friends, family, mentors, etc.). Other than inclusion of the Teacher(s) / Educator(s) / Facilitator(s), the members of the Learner’s development team is up to the Learner once they are old enough to make the decision. General guidelines for each role are described on this page, but how participatory each member chooses to be is ultimately also up to the Learner and the members of their team. In homeschooling situations, the Teacher(s) / Educator(s) role may also be filled by a parent or guardian.
One Community is about creating positive and permanent global transformation and we think a team approach to education supports this. Each member of the team can contribute something different and the Learner being able to choose members of their team from outside the traditional educational environment is seen by us as an opportunity to increase the engagement of all involved in the complete Education for Life program. This involves more people, diversifies the feedback and support structure, and increases collaboration and input. Sharing and helping to support and spread ideas like this is directly in alignment with our Purpose and Mission, our Global-transformation Pledge, and Highest Good philosophy for open source creation, sharing, and making a difference in the world.
Ellen Ross Kaspi: Progressive Educator and Mind/Body Modality Specialist
Jessica Wienke: Organizational and Leadership Development Consultant
Sangam Stancza: Ph.D. and P.E.
Stephanie VanderKallen: Mental Health Professional and Teacher
As stated above, there are several different roles that contribute to a Learner and their learning team. Parent/guardian involvement is strongly suggested for younger children. As the Learners mature and become adults, the people they choose as their learning team may shift as desired to include or be replaced by peers/friends/mentors/partners/etc. The following key roles and their involvement in the assessment process are discussed below:
The Learner/Student/Intern/Worker is the primary focus of the Evaluation and Evolution process. Their role in the process is to be receptive to feedback and proactive in giving their own feedback and helping to develop and improve their learning structure with each successive evaluation. The entire Education for Life program should be considered the Learner’s training structure, and as such their participation is essential to helping make it more fun for themselves, interesting, and specific to their needs.
Here are the resources we consider most helpful to the Learner/Student/Intern/Worker participant:
Teacher(s)/Educator(s)/Facilitator(s) are the primary guides for the Education for Life program. Their key task is to keep learning fun, relevant, and Learner-focused while making sure that all educational goals are met. They host/lead the assessment process and apply the recommended (adaptable) assessment format. This graphic summarizes the process and, if applied completely, the Teacher/Educator/Facilitator will benefit and grow from the Evaluation and Evolution process too:
Once it is created, we’ll add here the Educator training program for the specifics that are unique to One Community’s educational approach. Until then, here are some resources we think may be helpful to the Teacher/Educator/Facilitator participant:
Here’s an excellent video example of the kind of Teacher/Educator tools and strategies provided by the Conscious Discipline YouTube channel listed in the resources above.
Parent(s)/Guardian(s) are the people guiding the growth and development of the Learner/Intern in the home environment. They attend the evaluations for as long as the Learner desires to have them there, provide encouragement and help address challenges in the Learner’s assessment forms, assist the Learner as needed in achieving their goals and, in the case of younger Learners, help clarify educational expectations and give feedback to both the Learner and the Educator. For younger Learners, they may also assist the Learner in doing their self-evaluation before the meeting with the Educator
Once they are created, we’ll add here the parent/guardian resources we’ll create to address the specifics that are unique to One Community’s educational approach. Until then, here are some resources we consider helpful to the Teacher/Educator/Facilitator participant:
Here’s an excellent video example of the kind of parent/guardian education provided by the Conscious Discipline YouTube channel listed in the resources above.
Other supporters in the Education for Life program are anyone else the Learner chooses to include. This could be friends, family, mentors, peers, etc. Anyone that assists the Learner in their growth/learning/assessment process and/or provides input on the assessment is considered part of this group. Their role, like a parent or guardian, is to support the Learner outside the classroom. How they do this will depend on their relationship with the Learner and how the Learner communicates with them how best to be of support and assistance. Participation by these individuals in a Learner’s evaluation can be helpful but is up to them, the Learner, and the Learner’s Educator/Facilitator.
Once they are created, we’ll add here additional resources we’ll create to help this group with the specifics of how they can help most in supporting One Community’s educational approach. Until then, here are some resources we consider helpful:
The learning team is selected by any Learner of appropriate age with the purpose of assisting the Learner in their growth process and education. In addition to the Learner / Student / Intern, this team will include the Teacher(s) / Educator(s) / Facilitator(s), Parent(s) / Guardian(s), and often Other Supporters (friends, family, mentors, etc.) too. The resources on this page are to help each of these groups and we’ll be adding additional resources here as they are created.
Q: Are all aspects of this Evaluation and Evolution component necessary?
We consider all aspects listed above as important, but how a person or organization chooses to use them is up to that individual or group. To maximize the flexibility and application options, all components are designed to be usable in combinations, as part of the complete One Community Education for Life program, or as stand-alone components.
Q: What if I have my own evaluation system that I like better, can I use that instead?
Of course! All aspects of the Education for Life program are designed for use in any educational environment and with or without inclusion of any other aspect of the program.
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Montessori | Waldorf | Orff | Reggio | Multi-Intelligence | Bloom's Taxonomy | Study Tech | I-WE
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"In order to change an existing paradigm you do not struggle to try and change the problematic model.
You create a new model and make the old one obsolete. That, in essence, is the higher service to which we are all being called."
~ Buckminster Fuller ~
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