This page outlines teaching curriculum ideas for Mindfulness and Fun as elements of the “Play” category of the Curriculum for Life component of the open source Education for Life Program. This curriculum is meant as a globally collaborative and ever-expanding archive of ideas to be combined with the Teaching Strategies for Life component, and Learning Tools and Toys for Life component, to create endless Lesson Plans for Life purposed to grow and evolve what we feel will be the most comprehensive, effective, and diversely applicable free-education program and open source and free-shared project-launch usable education blueprint in the world.
The following is a list of mindfulness and fun curriculum topics divided into 2 categories: “Mindfulness and Fun Concepts” and “Mindfulness and Fun Activities.” If you have an idea or section that you believe should be included here, please send it to us using our Suggestions Page. Visit our Lesson Plans Page for lesson plans designed to integrate this curriculum.
NOTE: Curriculum with asterisks is curriculum we consider “core curriculum” that is central to the lesson plan design process. To identify these subjects we adopted the California Department of Education guidelines (because they are some of the most comprehensive and strict in the nation), added in the national SAT/ACT expectations for grade 7 and beyond, referenced the US Common Core State Standards Documents, and then double checked our curriculum and goals against the best selling and #1 teacher recommended Spectrum Test Prep workbook series. Curriculum with “*” is curriculum identified through these methods as foundational to 1st-6th grade learning. Curriculum with “**” is curriculum identified through these methods as foundational to 7th-12th learning.
Music Classes/Clubs:
Dance Classes/Clubs:
Literature/Reading Classes/Clubs:
Storytelling Classes/Clubs:
Writing and/or Poetry Classes/Clubs:
Drama Classes/Clubs:
Language Exchange Classes/Clubs:
Movie Classes/Clubs:
Painting Classes/Clubs:
Sculpture Classes/Clubs:
Handwork Classes/Clubs:
Other Classes/Clubs (including meaning, history, symbolism, etc., tools & materials, and techniques):
We're building a resource section. Click here if you have a suggestion or resource for this page.
Montessori | Waldorf | Orff | Reggio | Multi-Intelligence | Bloom's Taxonomy | Study Tech | I-WE
We're building this resource section. Click here if you have a suggestion or resource for this page.
"In order to change an existing paradigm you do not struggle to try and change the problematic model.
You create a new model and make the old one obsolete. That, in essence, is the higher service to which we are all being called."
~ Buckminster Fuller ~
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