One Community is an all-volunteer organization dedicated to maximizing sustainable yields through our holistic approach to food, energy, housing, education, for-profit and non-profit economic design, social architecture, fulfilled living, global stewardship practices, and more. Our open source and free-shared model, meticulously designed to become self-replicating, serves as the foundation for creating a global network of teacher/demonstration hubs commitment to “The Highest Good of All“.
Click on each icon to be taken to the corresponding Highest Good hub page.
One Community’s physical location will forward this movement as the first of many self-replicating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities to be built around the world. This is the July 2nd, 2023 edition (#536) of our weekly progress update detailing our team’s development and accomplishments:
One Community is maximizing sustainable yields through Highest Good housing that is artistic and beautiful, more affordable, more space efficient, lasts longer, DIY buildable, and constructed with healthy and sustainable materials:
This week, Julia Meaney (Researcher and Assistant to Executive Director) completed her 35th week with the team. Julia assumed responsibility for overseeing and managing Amal’s Light bulb research, addressing and resolving comments on her development Google Doc. Additionally, Julia produced a Feedback PDF for the “Solar Microgrid Setup Maintenance” webpage, completing her initial review of Chuck’s incorporation of new content onto the page. Throughout the process, Julia utilized the comments to communicate necessary fixes, making minor edits to the code and formatting as needed. To ensure accuracy, she consistently referenced the source Google Doc during the integration of all new content. Furthermore, Julia conducted a review of Chuck’s implementation of her feedback for the “Eco-laundry” webpage, resolving comments on the Feedback PDF and finalizing the page. In parallel, she worked on the “Net-zero Bathroom and Earthbag Village Water Collection and Septic Design EDITED CONTENT FOR WEB” Google Doc, addressing comments and editing the content. Lastly, Julia reviewed the “Hot Tub Sanitizer Alternatives” Google Doc, confirming its completion and readiness for integration into the website.
Amal Lazar (MS Mechanical Engineering) completed her 12th week helping now with the research for the Most Sustainable Lightbulbs and Light Bulb Companies: Research, Energy Savings, and More tutorial. This week, Amal worked on various sections of the research project. She began by conducting further research and making adjustments to the sustainability benchmarking section, particularly focusing on refining the descriptions of each company. In this context, Amal undertook the development of a new methodology aimed at enhancing the ranking of companies. This involved investing time in gathering the necessary information and organizing it in a table format. Currently, her main focus is on validating the sustainability benchmarking section, as the ranking plays a crucial role in the subsequent stages of the research. Thus far, Amal has identified alternative proposals for the city center project, specifically suggested by Signify, which holds the top position due to its exceptional sustainability achievements. For the remaining two rankings, she is relying on the utilization of the new set of four metrics to ensure a robust decision-making process and establish a solid ranking. Below, you’ll find some images of this work.
Vidhi Bansal (3D Visualization Artist) completed her 11th week helping with video and AutoCAD renders for a 4-dome cluster Earthbag Village housing design. This week, Vidhi focused on the 4 Dome Flythrough project, integrating the Tesla charger, glass box, and road pathway into the scene. He worked on the scene’s overall layout and resolved material issues for several assets. He also made significant changes and edits to the materials of the Tesla charger and the glass box. In his quest for optimal placement, he experimented with positioning the charger on the walls of the Domes and concluded that situating it alongside the Tesla was a superior solution. Additionally, Vidhi dedicated time to enhancing the landscape materials and achieving a realistic appearance for the entire scene through lighting adjustment. Check out the pictures below as examples of this work.
Zhide Wang (Mechanical Engineer) completed his 11th week, helping now with the Aircrete and earthbag compression testing preparation. This week, Zhide completed the finalization of the Work Breakdown Structures (WBSs) for the Aircrete project and integrated them into the standard documentation. Additionally, he familiarized himself with another project involving data entry for a transition kitchen intended to serve a population of over 50 individuals. Zhide, promptly began assisting with the data entry tasks and successfully completed two of the plans while also commencing work on the third one. Get a closer look at this work through the pictures below.
One Community is maximizing sustainable yields through a Duplicable and Sustainable City Center that is LEED Platinum certified/Sustainable, can feed 200 people at a time, provide laundry for over 300 people, is beautiful, spacious, and saves resources, money, and space:
This week, Charles Gooley (Web Designer) completed his 35th week helping with web design. Charles continued working on feedback for Solar Energy Microgrid Setup and Maintenance tutorial. The comments involved adding links to the pie chart figures to the corresponding spreadsheet, and insuring that all the other figures had links to spreadsheets where applicable. Then he worked on comments for the City Center Dome Hub Connector Engineering page. Some comments were to add bullets to some of the lists, and comments asked to replace equations that were imaged with text. The pictures below offer a visual representation of this work.
Julio Marín Bustillos (Mechanical Engineer) completed his 19th week helping with the City Center Dome Hub Connector Engineering. This week, Julio dedicated time to researching various hub connector concepts but decided to prioritize testing the current model due to its comparatively simpler manufacturability in comparison to other options. His initial focus was on designing the “V” bracket for the right side of the first row, encompassing two models with slight variations in plate angles. Although these angle differences were fractional (0.2 degrees), they were deemed negligible in terms of performance impact. In the event that this model fails simulation testing, he will explore more intricate design alternatives. The pictures below provide a glimpse of this work.
Yiwei He (Mechanical Engineer) completed her 16th week helping with the City Center Dome Hub Connector Engineering. This week, Yiwei focused on the simulation aspects of the two dome structures, delving into the intricacies of the design and construction. She dedicated her efforts to ensuring the accuracy and efficiency of the simulations, while also taking into account the potential impact of various weather conditions. In addition, she completed the finalization of the Aircrete ordering list, meticulously reviewing the details to ensure the correct quantities and specifications. As part of her responsibilities, she checked the contents of the solar page, verifying the accuracy and relevance of the information presented. See some of this work in the pictures below.
One Community is maximizing sustainable yields through Highest Good food that is more diverse, more nutritious, locally grown and sustainable, and part of our open source botanical garden model to support and share bio-diversity:
This week the core team continued to work on the Transition Food Self-sufficiency Plan. We worked with 3 new team members as we imported the recipe information from the Master Recipe and 3-Day Menu Blocks Doc to the Transition Kitchen Recipe Build Out. We also uploaded PDF recipes to the Source Recipe PDFs folder. See below for pictures related to this.
The core team also reviewed the open-source Chicken Coop designs. This week we reviewed and provided edits for the chicken doc pages 117-140 regarding the topics of Coop Entry Door Construction, Hanging the Coop Entry Door, Installing Sliding Chicken Doors, and Building Shutters for Ventilation Openings. We then provided suggestions to format headings in a grammatically similar format and to also unify the material lists with the same sequential three-line items. See the pictures below that are related to this.
One Community is maximizing sustainable yields through Highest Good education that is for all ages, applicable in any environment, adaptable to individual needs, far exceeds traditional education standards, and more fun for both the teachers and the students. This component of One Community is about 95% complete with only the Open Source School Licensing and Ultimate Classroom construction and assembly details remaining to be finished. We’ll report on the final two elements to be finished as we develop them.
With over 8 years of work invested in the process, the sections below are all complete until we move onto the property and continue the development and open sourcing process with teachers and students – a development process that is built directly into the structure of the education program and everything else we’re creating too:
One Community is maximizing sustainable yields through a Highest Good society approach to living that is founded on fulfilled living, the study of meeting human needs, Community, and making a difference in the world:
This week the core team completed 51 hours managing One Community volunteer-work review not included above, emails, social media accounts, web development, new bug identification and bug-fix integration for the Highest Good Network software, and interviewing and getting set up new volunteer team members. The pictures below show some of this work.
Another core team member began verification of all the modifications made to the working Highest Good Network software. we performed testing on a total of 15 pull requests (PRs) from the designated list of fixed PRs. Out of these, 12 PRs were successfully confirmed as fixed, effectively addressing the identified issues. However, two PRs were found to remain unresolved. One more PR requires additional information regarding the steps to test the second request in order to proceed with the resolution process. In addition to testing the fixed PRs, Tatyana also reported one new PR that pertains to the generation of duplicated numbers when adding a new task to the project. A detailed description of the problem was provided, along with supporting images to assist in understanding the issue. See the images below for examples of this work in progress.
Yiyun Tan (Management Dashboard Team Leader) completed her 61st week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week, Yiyun dedicated her time to resolving the bug titled “manually assign blue squares will get two duplicate notification emails.” She exhibited active participation in team communication channels such as Slack, where she provided valuable support in problem-solving, bug reporting, and maintaining existing tutorials. Alongside these tasks, Yiyun consistently fulfilled her regular responsibilities. Below, you’ll find pictures highlighting the development of this work.
Jianjun Luo (Software Engineer) completed her 31st week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week, Jianjun implemented a crucial update to the user status changing permission, introducing a restriction. Following the modifications, only the owner is now authorized to deactivate another owner, while other roles possessing the ‘change user status’ permission are capable of activating an inactive owner. This conditional verification process has been implemented on both the user management page and the user profile page. Additionally, she made several reviews to the opening PRs. She also commenced work on a new feature for the report page. Pictures below are related to this work.
Raul Effting (Jr. Front-End Web Developer) completed his 25th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week, Raul, dedicated his time to resolving new timer conflicts on GitHub. The primary focus of his work was troubleshooting it and rectifying new timer conflicts that arose during the week. His efforts were concentrated on identifying and resolving these conflicts, ensuring smooth functionality and synchronization. Below are some images related to this work.
Aishwarya Kalkundrikar (Full Stack Software Developer) completed her 23rd week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week, Aishwarya conducted an extensive review of frontend files containing the blue square addition function. In an effort to debug the code, she inserted output lines but was unable to identify any issues resulting in the double notification. Ultimately, she determined that the problem arose from the user profile being saved twice when a Bluesquare was assigned. A function named ‘handleSubmit’ was invoked within a useeffect hook, leading to duplicate profile saves. The resolution for this bug entails removing the function from the useeffect hook. Aishwarya requested additional time to conduct thorough testing of corner cases. Additionally, she examined Raul’s pull request, which presented multiple conflicts, and provided minor review comments. Subsequently, it was discovered that the conflicts stemmed from a name mismatch in the file “TeamMemberTasks.jsx,” which had been modified for a hotfix. Pictures below show some of this work.
Lucas Emanuel Souza Silva (Software Developer) completed his 20th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week, Lucas reviewed pull requests that required final approval and completed the questionnaire for phase 2. Additionally, Lucas focused on fixing the header display when viewing another user’s dashboard, conducting thorough research on components and user IDs. During this process, Lucas identified a glitch involving submitting time to a task on another user’s dashboard. Continuing development work, Lucas decided against implementing a new state slice on the store and instead explored accessing route parameters within the Header component. To improve the code, Lucas reverted the commits on the branch due to previous ideas not being effective. Moreover, Lucas successfully discovered a solution for displaying the URL in the Header component. In addition to these tasks, Lucas conducted code reviews on a pair of pull requests, which were subsequently merged. Pictures of some of this work are below.
Jinchao Feng (Software Engineer) completed his 18th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week, Jinchao focused on the development of EsLint and Prettier configuration. He tested every ESLint plugin on several code files to see their effectiveness and came up with a plugin combination that makes the code formatted and follows as many rules as possible with minimal code changes. Then he applied those rules to more directories to conduct thorough testing. Afterward, he drafted a pull request (PR) with detailed instructions, summarizing his work. Please refer to the pictures below.
Sav Costabile (Web Developer) completed their 16th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week, Sav resumed work following a two-week break and focused on various tasks. They attended to PR suggestions and implemented necessary changes. Additionally, they dedicated time to testing the readiness of the badgeAssignmentBug for the final review stage. In order to effectively manage the remaining badge-related issues, Sav planned out the required modifications, creating a timeline and checklist for addressing these bugs prior to phase 2. Another area of their attention was spent rectifying formatting problems stemming from their local environment, while also resolving the remaining PRs. Lastly, Sav allocated time to investigating a new bug that impacted both the front and backend aspects of the badge component. The pictures below relate to this work.
Yongjian Pan (React.js/MongoDB Full Stack Software Developer) completed his 14th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week, Yongjian focused on improving the alignment of IDs and green dots on the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) page within the projects. Users can access the WBS page by navigating through the reports, selecting a project, and choosing a specific WBS to view. Additionally, Yongjian is currently working on implementing a functionality that enables users to click on the name of a WBS and be redirected to the respective WBS page. Through these tasks, Yongjian aims to enhance the overall usability and navigation experience within the project management system. See the images below for a look at this work.
Abdelmounaim “Abdel” Lallouache (Software Developer) completed his 13th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week, Abdelmounaim focused on the backend aspect of the project. Initially, he incorporated the “profileInitialSetupToken.js” file, which was responsible for implementing the Token schema. In addition, he introduced the “profileInitialSetupRouter.js” file, which established routes for retrieving tokens and facilitating the setup process for new users. Lastly, Abdelmounaim added the “profileInitialSetupController.js” file, encompassing two essential functions: “getSetupToken” and “setUpNewUser.”The pictures below are related to this work.
Yihan Liu (Software Engineer) completed her 13th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week, Yihan focused on streamlining the process of adding Projects or Teams by eliminating the need for an additional “save” action. This was achieved by transferring the handleSubmit function from the UserProfile component to the TeamsTab and ProjectsTab components, and ultimately to the AddTeamPopup and AddProjectPopup components. Upon clicking the “confirm” button, the handleSubmit handle is executed seamlessly. Additionally, Yihan diligently reviewed PR#927 and confirmed that it performed as expected. During testing in the Dev environment, Yihan observed that users were required to click the “save changes” button twice in order to eliminate the save change warning. As a result, Yihan promptly logged this bug in the bug list for further attention and resolution.
Vishvesh Sheoran (Artificial Intelligence Specialist) completed his 12th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week, Vishvesh Sheoran dedicated time to mastering Google AdWords essentials for the onecommunity website. He extensively researched content-recommendation plugins like YARPP, analyzing their features and potential benefits for the website’s content strategy. Additionally, he delved into the functionalities of RankMath, an SEO plugin, gaining valuable insights into optimizing website content for search engines. See pictures below showing his efforts.
Lucile Tronczyk (Full Stack Software Developer) completed her 10th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week, Lucile focused on enhancing the codebase by making it reusable for editing a specific section of the user profile. By eliminating the need for a previously buggy function, Lucile successfully improved the efficiency and reliability of the code. Additionally, Lucile implemented a feature to ensure that the cursor starts in the appropriate fields on various pages, including Teams Projects and others. This enhancement enhances user experience and streamlines the workflow for users interacting with these pages. The pictures below relate to this.
Edwin Estuardo Lau Mack (Software Engineer) completed his 8th week, helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week, Edwin dedicated his efforts to reviewing pull requests (PRs) and advancing the development of the HGN application as a member of the Dev Team, primarily focusing on Frontend functionality. Alongside reviewing multiple PRs, Edwin fixed a bug related to email authentication, ensuring that users can only authenticate with an exact email match. To achieve this, Edwin modified the regex expression passed in the findOne() function in the backend to enforce exact email matching for authentication. Additionally, Edwin implemented a new functionality that allows tracking of deadline updates for tasks. This involved introducing a new property called “deadlineCount” in the backend task model, which keeps track of the number of times the estimated hours for a task have been updated. Whenever the estimated hours change and differ from the previous value, the deadlineCount is incremented. This information is then fetched in the TeamMemberTask component and displayed in the top right of the progress time bar. This week Edwin reviewed a total of 6 PR’s: #412, #920, #926, #927, #928, #934 Images showing this progress are below.
Papia Sharmin (Full Stack Developer) completed her 8th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week, Papia Sharmin made several notable contributions to our project. Firstly, she implemented a new feature that displays a message to users if they don’t have any other team members in their team. This enhancement was added to the “Add My Team” filter task. Additionally, Papia introduced a “View Suggestions” button on the Task Edit Suggestion page for the new task. This button allows users to easily access and review suggested edits. Furthermore, she incorporated the functionality to approve tasks within the Task Edit Modal by implementing the “Approved” button. Furthermore, Papia made important modifications to the system, enabling administrators to view the notification count on the dashboard upon logging in. This change provides administrators with quick access to essential notifications. Lastly, she diligently reviewed Pull Request #864 and provided her approval. Her attention to detail and thorough review process greatly contribute to the project’s progress. Below are some images related to this work.
Xiao Tan (Software Engineer) completed her 9th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week, Xiao focused on various tasks and demonstrated her commitment to addressing project priorities. She devoted her attention to resolving the issue identified by Jae, which involved creating Shadow Consistency for the Dashboard (PR878). She diligently worked on the code, ensuring that all tests were successfully passed to meet the desired outcome. Additionally, Xiao dedicated time to enhance the user experience by making styling modifications to the search name feature on the Badge Management page. She promptly pushed these changes to the same PR for further review and collaboration. In another task, she successfully implemented the rounding of hour numbers to two digits by incorporating the “toFixed(2)” function into both the timeEntryController.js file for the hoursLogged variable and the userHelper.js file for the timeSpent variable. She proactively followed the link provided by Aishwarya to access the required environment variables for enabling Gmail API, which was essential for conducting thorough testing. Lastly, Xiao actively contributed to the team by reviewing PR898, PR890, and PR899, providing valuable feedback to her peers. See images supporting this below.
Xiao Wang (Software Engineer) completed his 8th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week, Xiao improved the loading speed of WBS pages by focusing on several key tasks. Firstly, he addressed a freeze problem caused by the <ReactTooltip> component, which resulted in browser freezing. To resolve this issue, he implemented a solution in which ReactTooltip.rebuild() is executed on the parent component (<WBSTasks>) to consolidate all tooltips of the child component (<Task>) into a single <div>. This significantly reduced the number of <div> elements created. Secondly, Xiao optimized the logic in the allTasksReducer.js file. Previously, the application sent multiple requests for different levels of tasks, leading to inconsistent response ordering. Additionally, when a level 0 request was made, the app would inadvertently remove tasks of other levels if their responses arrived earlier. Xiao addressed this problem by introducing a fetchedData buffer in the state. The response data now occupies a fixed position in the buffer based on its level, and a sortByNum function combines and sorts all the response data into taskItems. Furthermore, he simplified the code by allowing the sortByNum function to handle the sorting for all tasks, eliminating the need to find the index of the mother task and insert at a specific position for certain cases. He also temporarily fixed an issue where the addTask functionality failed to update the hasChild property of the parent task. In the future, this issue needs to be resolved in a subsequent pull request. XiaoW also made modifications to the allTasksReducer.test.js test file to accommodate the newly added property in the allTasksReducer.js state. He disabled certain test cases and made necessary adjustments, considering that some code in the previous version of allTasksReducer.js was solely intended to pass the test file without offering functional value. Lastly, Xiao removed redundant sorting logic in the <WBSTasks> component. See supporting images below.
Nathan Hoffman (Software Engineer) completed his 7th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week, Nathan actively engaged in the code review process and carried out various tasks related to permissions. He reviewed PR 401 and generated a bug report. Additionally, he re-reviewed PRs 867 and 842, providing additional suggested changes. Nathan reviewed the implemented changes in PR 881, ensuring their effectiveness, and subsequently approved the PR. Upon request, he re-reviewed PR 842. Furthermore, Nathan verified the existence of all necessary permissions in permissionsBackEnd and immersed himself in permissions documentation. He completed a form for proposing changes and worked on merging back-end and front-end permissions. During the process, he encountered an instance without back-end permissions and proceeded to replace front-end permissions that had corresponding back-end equivalents. Nathan’s efforts included attempting to set up a test database for alternate permissions, but instead, he created an alternate role collection in the main database. Despite this, he successfully achieved the functionality of alternate permissions. While some work remains in terms of writing permissions and conducting tests, Nathan’s progress demonstrates his dedication and meticulous approach to permissions management. The pictures below show some of this work.
Nida Zaki (Software Engineer) completed her 6th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week, Nida made several updates to the codebase. She added min and max attributes to the endDate and startDate components in order to ensure that the End Date is always later than the Start Date when using the datepicker. Nida also dedicated time to researching validation techniques that would allow the end date to be later than the start date while still allowing manual input. She made efforts to incorporate a suggestion provided by KurtisIvey on the pull request for this task. To visually indicate validation errors, she applied CSS styling to make the border of both fields red. Lastly, she conducted research and successfully implemented sorting for Members, with a focus on giving higher priority to names starting with the inputted letter, followed by other names that include the letter. The pictures below are examples of this work.
Xiaoyu Chen (Software Engineer) completed her 6th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week, Xiaoyu diligently worked on refining the software interface. Her initial plan involved the introduction of a clear button and a dropdown menu, but she soon realized the consequential heavy reliance on the ‘reactstrap’ API. To circumvent this, she intelligently altered her approach and substituted the button with radio options, thus enhancing user-friendliness while simultaneously reducing API dependency. This constructive change further facilitated the ‘handleMoveOptions’ function to reset content based on the selected value, improving the system’s interaction with the past four weeks’ summaries. Throughout this process, Xiaoyu appreciated the insightful feedback from her colleagues. Leon Zhuang contributed by identifying typographical and capitalization inconsistencies, while Xiao Tan and OAkinbode suggested repositioning the Tab feature for a superior user experience. Taking their advice onboard, Xiaoyu adjusted the location of the Tab toggle within the handleMove functions, leading to improved user interaction. After implementing these improvements, she turned her focus on resolving bugs associated with media and Dropbox links. Xiaoyu’s initial step involved changing the weekly summary name within the create user profile function. She then developed an efficient solution to substitute the ‘mediaUrl’ in the summary submissions by incorporating a ‘GoogleDocLink’ into the ‘getWeeklySummaries’ function, a modification she intends to execute in the immediate future. Nevertheless, a minor hiccup occurred when she failed to switch between the software branches, resulting in a slight mix-up. Showing resilience, Xiaoyu successfully resolved this by segregating the issues into two separate branches, thereby maintaining the functionality and integrity of the codebase. Check out the pictures below as examples of this work.
Sneha M Madle (Software Engineer) completed their 5th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week, Sneha began by examining the HGN Bug list and subsequently undertook the task of addressing a medium priority bug, specifically focusing on rectifying the assign badge functionality within the user profile. Sneha performed a thorough investigation into the workings of the assign badge functionality, resulting in the identification of areas requiring code modifications. Following this discovery, Sneha made the necessary code changes. However, the initial attempts proved unsuccessful, prompting Sneha to perform another in-depth analysis of the code. As a result, it became apparent that a considerable amount of additional code alterations were still necessary, and Sneha worked diligently on implementing them. Moreover, Sneha also dedicated time to reviewing several pull requests during the course of the week. The pictures below show this work.
“Sola” Olusola Akinbode (Full Stack Software Developer) completed his 5th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week, Sola assumed responsibility for the development of a project aimed at implementing a feature that enables administrators and team leaders to receive team weekly summary reports via email from their respective groups. Sola addressed a bug encountered while adding new group members or users and initiated the implementation of CRUD operations using Redux as the initial approach. Additionally, Axios calls were utilized to synchronize data between Redux and MongoDB, resulting in improvements in loading times. These tasks are currently in progress within Pull Request 838. Look below for pictures of this work.
Lawrence Chua (Full Stack Software Developer) completed his 3rd week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week, Lawrence diligently pursued the investigation of an issue involving rare occurrences within the blue square system. Specifically, the system exhibited behavior where deleted blue squares would occasionally be reassigned hours after deletion and trigger multiple email notifications. To address this, Lawrence extensively studied the blue square system’s mailer system, aiming to comprehend its inner workings. He meticulously logged and tested numerous blue squares in an effort to reproduce the issue. Despite thorough efforts, Lawrence was unable to pinpoint the root cause as all system components appeared to be functioning as intended. See the images below to get a look at some of this work.
Leon Zhuang (Software Engineer) completed his 3rd week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week, Leon addressed a bug related to the display of user profiles. Specifically, he rectified an issue where, when viewing a user’s profile, the text indicating the number of badges earned by that user incorrectly implied that it reflected the viewer’s own accomplishments rather than the user whose profile was being viewed. To resolve this, Leon implemented logic to verify whether the user was viewing their own profile, and subsequently modified the text accordingly. Additionally, he contributed to the bugs and new features document by generating a descriptive summary for a newly developed interactive map feature. His work is shown below.
Stevie Acuña (Volunteer Graphic Designer) completed his 2nd week as a volunteer graphic designer helping with graphic design projects for all of One Community. This week, Stevie diligently pursued the creation of blog images for One Community Global, employing expertise in graphic design to conduct thorough research, develop comprehensive plans, and successfully produce visually striking graphics. In addition, Stevie crafted three distinctive announcements and bio images for individuals who completed a two-month tenure with One Community Global, effectively highlighting their achievements. Subsequently, Stevie efficiently incorporated the relevant information of these three individuals into the organization’s website for seamless uploading. Examples of his work are below.
Alyx Parr (Senior Support Specialist) completed her 2nd week helping with management, coordination, and overall support of the One Community project. This week, Alyx worked to grasp all the nuances of the team, meticulously reviewing their tasks to ensure they had completed everything as required. She also helped with data entry by learning and beginning the process of importing the Transition Food Self-sufficiency Plan recipes into the Master spreadsheet. The pictures below are examples of this work.
Olawunmi Ijisesan (Administrative and Management Support) completed her 2nd week helping with management, coordination, and overall support of the One Community project. This week, Ola acquired new skills including data entry, uploading website pictures into spreadsheets, and inputting data for the Transition Food Self-sufficiency Plan and “Transition Kitchen Recipe build Out from the Master Recipes and 3-Day Menu Blocks” documents. Additionally, Ola diligently organized folders for HGN, NON-HGN, and PR team members in the designated location for the collage and HGN Website Blog. Ola also actively participated by providing comments and responses on team members’ Google Docs. Pictures of some of this work are below.
Jin Hua (Web Marketer and Graphic Designer) helped us analyze how well our new site improvement plugin is working and other areas we can still improve it. The pictures below show some of this work.
The Highest Good Network software PR Review team also worked to test all of the above PRs and find any bugs they could within those PRs and the software as a whole. This week’s active members of this team and how many weeks they’ve been with us are as follows: Anish Pandita (Software Engineer) completed his 19th week, Eduardo Horta (Software Engineer) completed his 7th week, Kurtis Ivey (Full Stack Developer) completed his 3rd week, Maham Almizan Khan (Software Engineer) completed her 4th week, Olga Yudkin (Software Engineer) completed her 4th week, Rachna Vijay Pandya (Full Stack Developer) completed her 2nd week, Steve Paalz (Software Developer) completed his 5th week, Tzu-Ning “Leo” Chueh (Software Engineer) completed his 3rd week, Yufei Zhang (Software Engineer) completed her 5th week. The collage below shows a compilation of the work from this team.
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